Top 5 lifestyle hacks for spring

Lifestyle hacks for spring
India Price,-Menswear Editor

Simple lifestyle techniques for starting spring with a wellness reboot

No matter how well you did on your New Year’s resolutions, there’s always room for a refresh. As we head into spring, start upgrading your lifestyle with some straightforward and easy hacks that promise incredible results, especially as the world slowly starts to resume normalcy. Which one will you choose? 

1. Get good quality sleep

‘Safeguard your best sleep,’ says Lisa Sanfilippo, a Movement for Modern Life teacher. ‘Work and play so that you are tired, satisfied and nourished at the end of the day and can release into rest.’ To make it easier, remove any temptation to scroll before bed by investing in an alarm clock and leaving your phone in a different room. Dimming the lights, having a hot bath and swapping the after-dinner espresso for herbal tea will also do you a world of good.

2. Cherish your connections

While we may be physically separated from a lot of things, the mere act of getting outside with a friend (within government restrictions) will do you the world of good. According to America’s National Institute on Aging, staying in contact with friends and family can help stave off health problems such as cognitive decline, depression and heart disease. If you’re not able to meet up outside with anyone, aim to schedule a call with a friend or family member – where you don’t talk about work – once a day. Even 10 minutes on your lunch break can make all the difference.

3. Meditate, meditate, meditate

The benefits of meditation are hard to overstate, ranging from lowering blood pressure and minimising depression, to clearer skin and better sleep. With the world online more than ever before, there are some incredible resources – a lot of which are free – that can help get you started. Set realistic goals: if you know you’re fidgety by nature, aim to sit, listening to meditation music, for three minutes and build it up from there. Make meditation the first thing you do every morning, before the excuses set in.

4. Try tapping

It might sound a little out there, but once you’ve tried tapping you’ll wonder why it took you so long to start. ‘Get into a practice of mind-body mindfulness as much as you can,’ explains Poppy Delbridge, the certified EFT therapist behind Rapid Tapping who counts Oprah, Tony Robbins and Madonna among her clients. ‘Tapping is like acupuncture with your fingertips instead of needles and while doing it you use cognitive affirmation to ditch bad habits and old patterns.’ Tapping also claims to have the power to reduce anxiety by 60%, signs of depression by 50% and blood cortisol by 43%. 

5. Stick to a routine

Get into a solid daily routine (especially if you’re working from home). Waking up at the same time every day, no matter what your schedule is for the morning, is a great place to start. Mental health charity Very Well Mind states that a simple routine (and one that’s specific to you and no-one else) plays a hugely important role in mental health. It can help you better manage stress and anxiety while simultaneously increasing your productivity levels.

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